Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Manish's rant.

Wigston Wanderers TV: Manish has slapped a dossier on CEO Mum Anjana's desk.

"I know it is too early for mind games. Mitesh is violating the Respect campaign with umpires.
On 1 st May, no lbws were awarded against the Knighton Oval. Fact
On 8 th May , Mitesh bombed Steve Bucknor out of the Kpl series. Fact.
On 15th May, James Freaky was allowed to have a runner eventhough he was carrying a pre existing injury. Fact.
But he is not punished.How can you have a respect campaign and criticise the umpires every week?
You can analyse the facts and come to your own decision . We had a meeting in Manchester about the respect campaign .And I was very clear. Forget the campaign because Mr Thanki was killing the umpires," said Manish.

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