Friday, May 22, 2009

Academy launch at the Wanderers.

Cricket AM: The Wigston Wanderers have recently taken the decision to bus the players around the KPL circuit.

The fabulous array of player's porsches, ferraris and ford escorts will be auctioned off. The money raised will be ploughed into the the launch of the WC Academy.

In a friendly match between the pros and academy players , there seemed to be a large number of "apologetic and hostile " beamers bowled at the young academy players by the first team.

It took a while for one of the academy players, under the constant barriage of bouncers, beamers and yorkers , Nikhil Arora, to summon the courage to sledge the main culprit, Steve Rudge, Ashes winner 2001. He said that he resembled a "fat bus conductor." Next ball, Arora was dismissed with his middle stump cartwheeeling away. Rudge, a man not known for his wit, replied, "tickets please."

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